究极V龙兽 Ulforce V-dramon
等级 | 究极体 |
类型 | 圣骑士型 |
属性 | 疫苗 |
所属 | 皇家骑士 |
适应领域 | DR、NSp、VB、WG |
首次登场 | 2002年7月27日 液晶玩具 数码兽摇摆机 进步版1.0 |
名字来源 | 英语【Ulforce】Ultimate Force,究极之力 英语【V】英语字母V=Victory,表示胜利 英语【Dragon】西方传说中的龙 |
闪光V热线 | Shining V Force | シャイニングVフォース |
从古代数码世界流传下来的,只在某个「预言」中登场的传说中的圣骑士数码兽。在这个「预言」里记载了网络守护神「皇家骑士」的出现,据说被称为「皇家骑士」的数码兽们,会在数码世界陷入最大危机时聚集到这个「预言」名下。究极V龙兽在「皇家骑士」中也拥有神速般的速度,完全没人能够追上他的动作。另外,身披时之数码合金中也非常稀有的「蓝色数码合金」制的圣铠,撕裂天空,劈开大地。能从双臂装备的「V手镯(V Bracelet)」中展开武器和盾牌。必杀技是从胸部的V字型铠甲上扫射的光线「闪光V热线」。
UlforceVeedramon is a legendary Holy Knight Digimon appearing only in a prophecy passed down from the ancient Digital World. The appearance of the Royal Knights, the holy defenders of the Network, was written of in this prophecy, and it is said that the members of the Royal Knights will all gather based on prophecy when the Digital World faces its greatest crisis. Even among the Royal Knights, UlforceVeedramon’s speed is exceptional, such that its movements are impossible to follow. Clad in armor made of Blue Digizoid—an extremely rare metal with the lightest weight of any form of Chrome Digizoid—UlforceVeedramon shoots through the sky and blasts across the earth. Also, should it ever require a weapon or a shield, it can extend its weapon Victory Sword or its shield Tense-Great Shield from the V-Bracelets on its arms. UlforceVeedramon uses its special move The Ray of Victory to fire a beam of energy from the V-shaped armor on its chest and wipe out foes.
고대 디지털 월드에서 전해지는 한 "예언"에서만 등장하는 전설의 기사 디지몬. 그 "예언"에는 네트워크의 수호신 "로얄 나이츠"의 출현이 나와 있으며 "로얄 나이츠"라고 불리는 디지몬들은 디지털 월드가 최대 위기일 때 "예언"에 따라 집결한다고 알려져 있다. 알포스브이드라몬은 "로얄 나이츠" 중에서도 굉장히 빠른 속도를 지녔으며 그 움직임을 쫓을 수 있는 존재는 없다. 또한, 크롬 디지조이드 중에서도 희소한 존재이며 가장 무게가 가벼운 희소 금속 "블루 디지조이트"로 만든 성스러운 갑옷을 입었으며, 하늘을 쪼개고 대지를 가른다. 양팔에 장착한 "V 팔찌"를 이용해 무기 『알포스 세이버』나 실드 『텐세그레이트 실드』를 펼친다. 필살기는 가슴의 V자형 아머에서 휘두르며 연사하는 광선 『샤이닝 V 포스』다.
Eine legendäres Ritter-Digimon, dessen Erscheinen in den alten Legenden der Digitalen Welt prophezeit wurde. Demzufolge werden sich in der dunkelsten Stunde der Digitalen Welt die Royal Knights versammeln. UlforceVeedramon ist unangefochten das schnellste Digimon der Royal Knights. Es trägt V-Armbänder und eine Rüstung aus dem seltenen Metall Chrom-Digizoid. Damit kann es am Himmel und auf der Erde kämpfen. Sein Spezialmove „Strahl des Sieges“ lässt einen Strahl aus dem V auf seiner Brust schießen.
圣骑士型数码兽,首次收录于2002年发售的「数码兽摇摆机 进步版1.0」。
自V龙兽体系的完全体天翔V龙兽在1999年发售的「数码兽摇摆机4.0 风之守护者」中登场后,冠以V龙兽之名的究极体销声匿迹约三年,经过漫长的缮甲厉兵之后,作为皇家骑士数码兽登场了。
在《V-Jump》杂志上连载的漫画《数码兽大冒险 V驯兽师01》中,是主角数码兽零丸(V龙兽)的最终进化形态。
曾在3DS游戏《数码兽世界 Re:Digitize Decode(复原 解码)》中作为四之宫莉娜的搭档大放异彩。
在當時於V Jump連載的漫畫《數碼寶貝大冒險 V訓練師01》中,同時也是主角數碼寶貝00(V龍獸)的最終進化型態。
在3DS遊戲《數碼寶貝世界 Re:Digitize Decode》中則以四之宮莉娜的搭檔數碼寶貝大展身手。
1999年に発売された「デジモンペンデュラム4.0 ウィンドガーディアンズ」でブイドラモン系統の完全体であるエアロブイドラモンが登場してから約3年、永らくブイドラモンの名を冠する究極体が不在だった中、満を持してロイヤルナイツのデジモンとして登場した。
Vジャンプにて連載されていた漫画「デジモンアドベンチャー Vテイマー01(ゼロワン)」でも、主役デジモンであるゼロマル(ブイドラモン)の最終進化形態でもある。
3DS用ゲーム「デジモンワールド Re:Digitize Decode(リ:デジタイズ デコード)」では四ノ宮リナ(しのみやりな)のパートナーデジモンとしても活躍した。
This Holy Knight Digimon was first included in Digimon Pendulum Progress 1.0, which was released in 2002.
The Veedramon-line Ultimate level AeroVeedramonappeared in 1999’s Digimon Pendulum 4.0 Wind Guardians, but none had taken up the Veedramon moniker for the next three years when this long-awaited Royal Knight Digimon made its appearance.
UlforceVeedramon was also the final Digivolution for the Veedramon Zeromaru, main Digimon of the Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 manga published in V Jump.
In his AeroVeedramon form, Zeromaru was annihilated by the last boss Arcadiamon Although it was destroyed by the attack, it Digivolution and revived with the ultimate power "Alforth". After that, it became a Ultra (future mode) with the power of the Digimental and defeated the Creepymon that absorbed Arcadiamon.
UlforceVeedramon also appears in the Digimon Xros Wars manga in the same magazine, enthralling readers with its deeds.
It also put in the work in the Nintendo 3DS game Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode, where it acted as partner Digimon to Rina Shinomiya.